Man strips in public to prove to wife his penis is big enough!

A man, identified as Mr Zhang (34), was spotted bare naked at Tuen Mun Siu Hong Light Rail station. Passengers witnessed Zhang arguing with his wife before taking off all his clothes and yelled really loudly, “You think it’s not big enough, let me show you!”

MTR staff quickly proceeded to urge Zhang to put his clothes back on, and the police also arrived at the scene shortly. Zhang claims to be suffering from mental instabilities, and the police warned Mrs Zhang to keep a closer eye on him before letting them go.

An MTR spokesperson confirmed the incident and encouraged passengers not to follow suit, as according to MTR’s By-laws 25 and 28H, both public nuisance and use of abusive language is liable to a HKD5,000 fine.

Someone should tell Zhang, “it’s not the size of the ship, but the motion of the ocean”.

Source and Photo: Headline Daily and ezone




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