Watch polite Hong Kong children refuse ‘lai see’ money in filmed experiment (VIDEO)

Hong Kong kids, as far as children go, can be pretty darned polite. So polite that some will even refuse ‘lai see’ given in return for a simple act of kindness.

In this video, local teenage expat Markian films what happens when he asks Hong Kong schoolchildren a simple question (like where the nearest MTR stop is), and offers them lai see in return for their help. 

Many of the children, clearly surprised, accepted graciously while others refused outright, probably because they’ve never received a traditional Chinese red packet from a Western teenager barely older than them.

One pair of schoolgirls explained that because someone else had given Markian the lai see, it would be disrespectful to take it from him. 

The heartwarming video is certainly a rebuttal to those who complain about Hong Kong youth these days! 

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